People Thriving No. 3: Heather Disarro

Let's meet our next passionate Zambeezi advocate

Heather Disarro

Heather Disarro - Passionate Zambeezi Organic, Fair Trade, Ethically Sourced, Clean Lip Balm Advocate

Where is home? Texas will always feel like home to me, but I’m so thankful I’ve had the opportunity to live in Colorado and Arkansas as well!

Which Zambeezi flavor is your favorite? That’s like asking me to pick a favorite child! I’m currently using Tangerine and love how refreshing it is!

Which shoe do you tie first, right or left? I don’t really ever tie shoes – I pretty much go barefoot or wear sandals as often as I can. My tennis shoes are already tied (sorry Mom!)…but I think I usually put the right one on first!

Who has inspired you most in life (living, dead, personal or historical)? My parents have equally inspired me in so many different ways, but they both embody grit and grace, and I’m so thankful for the work ethic and compassion that they instilled in me from a young age. At the end of the day – when I’m hustled out and tired – I remember the way they made space in the exhaustion to love us well. If I can be one tenth the person either of them are I’ll consider it a success!

If you could pick a utensil in your kitchen to describe you, which would you pick? Why? Probably a spatula, which sounds super lame, except I use those for EVERYTHING. I feel like I’m pretty multi-purpose, just like a spatula – I like being pretty good at most things. You know, like humility – ha! 

If animals could all of the sudden talk, which one would you want to interview first? My dog Bunker. He is such a character – I would love to hear his voice and point of view! Plus I feel like he would have quite a bit to teach me!

What are three books that you want all of your friends to read? 1) Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller is one I would recommend to any of my friends who are building/looking to build a business. It’s a great marketing resource that not only gives great advice, but actually gives truly tactical information as well! 
2) Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World by Kristen Welch will hit you where it hurts, but will also change your parenting for the better. This is one that I have to constantly read as each stage of parenting changes, and is one that I have to apply to myself frequently as well.
3) The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien because, well, I’m a nerd and I love it. I think there’s something so freeing about getting lost in the imagination of the worlds Tolkien creates. It challenges me to practice my own creativity more! Plus it’s just fun to read!

When you think of #peoplethriving, who is the first person that comes to mind? I think of my friend Stephanie Buckley who has been a major source of encouragement in my life in so many ways. She knows who she is, and plays off of her strengths to build into others. She has created a life that isn’t big and showy, but that will absolutely have an impact on this world. She works hard, investing in others, to make this world better than she left it. Her joy is contagious, and she truly sees the good in all things! 

What does “thriving” look like in your life? Can I be honest and say I don’t 100% know yet, but I know I’m on my way? Thriving to me means being the healthiest, most joyful, most efficient person I can be in all things. Finding a balance where I experience all of those things at the same time is challenging, but as I edit out the things that don’t matter and focus in on the things that do I know I’m getting closer! 

Why do you love Zambeezi? I’ve been on a journey to clean up toxic chemicals in my personal care products for 2-1/2 years now, and while I’ve found something I like to use for almost everything I had yet to find a tube of lip balm that really met my standards for quality. Since I’ve tried Zambeezi I have NOT stopped talking about it to anyone who will listen! Not only is it a clean and high-performing product, it goes even further and improves quality of life for everyone involved.

PS: Heather recently put together a list of Clean Product Back-to-School Essentials: 

I’m the daughter of two teachers and grew up in the academic world my entire life. I loved going to school, and still to this day I absolutely nerd out over new backpacks, new pens and notepads, and fresh highlighters. I nod my head every time I watch You’ve Got Mail where Joe Fox says, “Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.” This is the kid of back to school excitement we’re currently in the middle of in my house as well. Yes, back to school is one of my favorite times of the year!

Keep reading on her blog...

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