People Thriving No. 5: Molly Stillman of Still Being Molly

When we had the chance to meet Molly at the Fair Trade Federation annual conference, she was there as one of keynote speakers. A passion for people thriving emanated from her talk and there was a palpable excitement in the room as she concluded. As the mission statement on her site states:

The mission of Still Being Molly is simple.
This is a life and style blog that exists to inspire women to walk joyfully and confidently in purpose, and to know that they were created with a purpose for a purpose.

If your talk was any indicator, Molly: Mission accomplished!

Molly's passion for fair trade and ethical, socially minded business can be found in every corner of her site and podcast...and she loves Zambeezi! So, we reached out a while back to see if we could interview her about what People Thriving means to her:  

 Molly Stillman

Molly Stillman - Founder of Still Being Molly, Fair Trade advocate, Zambeezi lip balm fan

Where is home? Durham, North Carolina

Which Zambeezi flavor is your favorite? Honeybalm!

Which shoe do you tie first, right or left? Left!

Who has inspired you most in life (living, dead, personal or historical)? My mom - she passed away in 2002 and she lead a selfless life of servant leadership always thinking of others. I hope every day that I am making her proud.

If you could pick a utensil in your kitchen to describe you, which would you pick? Why? A hand-held juicer! I love getting to the “good stuff” in a conversation and finding ways to ask just the right question to “squeeze out” the juicy information from you! :) Meaning… I want to get to know you and I want to really learn as much as I can!

If animals could all of the sudden talk, which one would you want to interview first? Lions FOR SURE. Lions are beautiful, incredible animals. The way they behave, the way male lions roar at specific times, etc… man they’re amazing animals!

What are three books that you want all of your friends to read? “Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah, “The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls, and “Free of Me” by Sharon Hodde Miller.

When you think of #peoplethriving, what is the first thing that comes to mind? People having the opportunity to earn a living wage, serve and care for their families, and pursue dreams and visions without worry. 

What does “thriving” look like in your life? Living stress free and not worrying about little minute details that are causing me to forget what matters most in my life - faith, family, and friends.

Why do you love Zambeezi? I love knowing that the ingredients are clean and fairly sourced, it’s ethically made, it’s creating opportunity for those that need it, and that it WORKS!

PS: You can find Zambeezi and lots of other incredible Fair Trade and Social Good brands in Molly's Ethical Brand Directory.  It's a great place to consult before you make your next purchase.

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