10 lip balm tips and hacks not for your lips
Our lip balm has been helping dry, chapped lips for more than 10 years. Like a trusty side kick, it's with us wherever we go. With this kind of accessibility, we figured it was time to highlight a handful of tips and tricks for uses other than your lips.
From DIY projects to fashion fixes, our organic, fair trade lip balm can be the perfect ethical solution for the following 10 challenges:
1. Dry, cracked fingers and knuckles
During the winter months, the shifts in temperature can wreak havoc on my hands, particularly on my cuticles and knuckles. To combat the dryness, I wash my hands and then slather lip balm on my affected cuticles and knuckles. For the same reason our balm protects your lips, it aids in healing and protecting your skin from the elements.
Helpful Tip: First, wash your hands. Then, taking the cap of the tube, scrape the top layer off your lip balm. Use your finger to scoop it from the cap and place it directly on your hands. Alternatively, microwave an inch of balm until it's melted, roughly 40 seconds, and slather it over your hands, elbows, heels, and knees (I feel like there was a childhood song about this?) Apply this before bed, and then say good morning to softer skin.
2. Prevent chapped, raw skin under your nose during allergy & cold season
As the wintery weather blows in, on it's heels is the dreaded cold and flu. Constant nose blowing and tissue use can make your nose light up like a Rudolf's. And wow, that red nose hurts! Lathering some lip balm under the nose and around the nostrils can protect you from unnecessary pain and discomfort. We hope your red nose returns to normal soon!
3. Your dog's paws
Though great for preventing icy slips and trips, salted roads and sidewalks can do a number on your poor pup's paws. For the same reason that our organic, ethical balm protects and hydrates your lips, your canine companions will benefit from a layer applied to their paws.
4. Reduce chaffing on bridge of your nose from wearing masks
It's hard to believe we've been wearing masks for nearly a year. Constant recycling of air within your mask will inevitable cause irritation and dryness. Grab the tube of lip balm in your pocket and put a layer of soothing balm on the bridge of your nose. It may not be a perfect solution, but it can reduce the impact in a pinch.
PS: Make sure to pick up your next ethical face mask from one of our fellow Fair Trade Federation friends.
Check out the full list of ethical mask crafting, Fair Trade Federation Members here.
5. Keeping a scarring wound moist
One of the most important things you can do for a wound is to keep it hydrated. After the scabs have fallen off and the skin is nearing the end of the healing process, gently apply a layer of lip balm to the scarring area to keep it moist as the healing process continues. Plus, the Vitamin E in our lip balm has been shown to improve the moisture retention and elasticity, it acts as an anti-aging nutrient, helping to maintain healthy skin.
6. Un-stick a squeaky door or cabinet hinge
I can imagine you never thought about this one! While you’re doing your next home repair, simply slather some lip balm on the hinge and bingo you are ready to rock and roll. Say goodbye to that pestering squeak.
7. On your fly fishing line
While it’s winter now, spring runoff is near and along with it, the hatches. If you are tired of buying float for your flies and line, pull out that trusty tube of Zambeezi and slide it along your leader and tippet. Now your line will float to the surface with ease coated in a layer of organic, ethical beeswax lip balm. Beeswax, being oil based, repels water and will force your line to the surface. It's better for you and better for the fish.
8. On the threads of a screw
While my social isolation began well before the pandemic as a stay-at-home dad, the quarantine was like a steroid injection for my DIY propensity. As I have begun to explore more woodworking this winter, I have learned a few handy tricks and tips along the way. When driving screws into a piece of hardwood lubricate the threads with lip balm and it will reduce friction-inducing heat.
9. Revive your leather boots, clutch, purse or wallet
Don’t have a leather conditioner handy? Think again. Your trusty tube could be the perfect option in a pinch. Now, before you go any further, please make sure to test on a small area that isn’t as visible before applying it all over. The beeswax provides a protective layer, not only holding moisture in, but also beading up and repelling liquid. A word of caution: as with any leather conditioner, the item may be oily. Just make sure it soaks in before slinging it under your arm and against your favorite piece of clothing!
10. __________ (insert your ideas in the comments below)
For our last one, we want to hear from you. What are some of creative uses you have found? Share your lip balm hacks below!
And, for the necessary disclaimer: This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Zambeezi nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content.
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