Ideas Are Worth Spreading: Four Talks From TED We Think You Will Enjoy

Our team loves learning! André, one of our founders, and I, you could probably argue, are addicted to it. We devour podcasts and lectures like a kids in a candy store. But, I am pretty sure we aren't the only ones...c'mon, you don't have to hide.  

Personally, I love when something challenges or inspires me, confronting a misconception and expanding my perspective. We are inundated with information everyday, and though this digital era has its pitfalls, one of the exciting opportunities is our ability to curate content and have access to such a broad spectrum of thought leaders, creatives and cultural voices. One of these libraries, I find myself regularly returning to lately, is Ted. So, we've decided to curate a few talks we have enjoyed, recently, that may also help you gain a better picture of why we love doing what we do.

Four of our favorites:




We'd love to hear from you, too! What ted talks, podcasts and lectures are enjoying lately? Share your favorite links in the comments below.

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